Friday, January 17, 2014


Hey friends! I'm currently down with a cold and Rick is busy, busy,  busy with work right now. But once we're back on our feet we're  working on a kitchen! Our stove top died so we went out and bought this beaut. Honestly I really do wish we would have gotten a 48 inch stove because they look so freaking awesome! But the price tag just isn't justifiable, especially when we plan on having another wall oven anyways.

In other exciting news we are currently fostering, possibly forever owning this pup! It's Cosmo 2.0. Or as my niece and nephew like to call him Cosmo the Second: Duke of Hyde Park. He's Cosmo 2.0 because we lost our yellow lab Cosmo last year and this guy is also named Cosmo! Coincidence! Not in the slightly weird way that my grandma got a  nearly identical dog and named him Buttons after the first Buttons.

Happy Winter Friends!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Slow Moving

So things are a little slow moving around the house for us. It's been a real joy taking Christmas Vacation as a vacation from everything. Rick and I managed to get Christmas done and over with the weekend before Christmas and since then do nothing but relax and feel just a little shame for doing nothing!

As always we have been tinkering away at the house. Well really Rick has, I have no idea quite what his master plan is for the room we don't know what to do with, so I just let him do whatever he wants to do with it.

The Room We Don't Know What  To Do With...
The room originally started as the dark blue sponge painted room, then transferred status to the "Black Mold Room/ Problem Room" After nearly gutting the whole room we eventually left it sit and become our saw room. Slowly pieces of dry wall were being put up, but with no big hurry. Then we decided it was time to work on it. It was up and away from the christmas decorations and we needed a room for our treadmill and workout equipment because the current room, the sun room has quickly become a GIANT FREEZER! Having windows cover three of the four walls and with little to no insulation above or below this room is bone chilling.
The original scary yucky mess that was once the blue room we don't know what to do with.

Our current room we don't know what to do with, slowly evolving to look like a real room! 
On the picture to the left you can see the big square of tar that covers about a third of the floor of the room. That's an issue we're not sure how to resolve yet. Then the picture to the right shows the doors leading to the sun room. They're all plastic wrapped up to keep the cold from coming through the slats and for extra measure rick has barricaded the door with old blankets. 

So ta-dah we're back to working on a room! It won't be totally done for a few more months. We will be moving an HVAC vent once we gut the bathroom that is connected to it and are ability to make a decision on what color to paint it and what to do with the floor is slow moving.

 Also, Happy New Year! This year... my goal is spend at least 400 hours on the treadmill. Rick and I's goal is to leave our shoes at the door as often as we can and begin to seriously eliminate processed foods from our lives! So sorry if my blog starts to turn into a, "look at what I made" blog in the future!

The treadmill log!


A sight I will surely be missing soon! I'm keeping the decorations up until my friends Michelle and Cory come to visit in a couple of days and then they will be all packed up :( I need to post a little bit about our christmas at our house! So much to show you guys!