Thursday, September 5, 2013

Crunch Time!

As of today, we have 37 days until the wedding!

Which equals the beginning of panic mode for me!!! About a week ago I thought I convinced myself that the wedding will be what it will be. It will be the best it can be and to quit caring so much. Yeah, one week later that feeling has been thrown out the window! Maybe it's just a mix of feelings and stress. Yesterday I was so tired and so dirty I didn't even want to shower I just wanted to fall on the bed and pass out. Rick eventually dragged my ass into the bathroom and started the shower for me and told me I had to shower. (Thanks Rick)

Right now, I am SO STOKED on the progress we're making on the house, but I'm also SO tired of being so dirty! Yesterday, I woke up with  blue paint on my arms from painting the library, then I spent the morning putting polyurethane on the floor of our entry way, then I went to work to get covered in sugar syrup, milk, coffee and God only knows what else, then I came home and mowed the lawn. Also,  I spend each night and morning blowing chunks of wood out of my nose, gross I know, maybe too-much-info, but it's the fact. Refinishing your floors leaves your house in complete and utter dust insanity.

Enough of my crying about being dirty check out what we've been up too! What's crazy is this is only a part of what we've been up too! We've been super busy!

So this has been the perceptual state of our house for the last month since we started working on the floors! Chaos! Moving furniture from one room to another as we finish floors in each room. 
Lesson learned: If you  need to re-do your floors do it before you move any of your junk into the house. 

 Hate dust? Get over it. 
Sanding floors equal dust bomb! 
It already takes me hours to dust the whole house on a normal need to dust kind of day. Now it's going to take me a few days. Then I'll have to go back again and again as the rest of it decides to settle!

This just tickles me! Because I LOVE our dinning room! We have a lot of work to do still! But if you're a creep and spy in our windows to see our dinning room, this is what you see!
    A KICK ASS built in china cabinet and vaulted ceilings!
We still need to... get a new era appropriate light, paint/fabric/wallpaper the walls, paint or metal tile the ceiling, get new window trimmings, get glass shelves for the cabinets, find a huge rug and break down and break our bank on buying a totally AMAZING arts and crafts style dinning room table that will sit TEN people! I pray to never have enough kids to fill that table, but the room is big enough for it so why not?  My dad is working on rebuilding one of the missing glass doors for the cabinet! I'm so excited he's even using quarter round cut white oak and zinc for the leaded part of the glass! 

 I think I posted this one already, if so, oh well here it is again! 
Our guest bedroom floors! 

Here is a view from the second floor hallway looking down into our entry way as we're working on staining the floors. As of this morning we put our final coat of polyurethane on so we can start moving furniture back in!

For a first time, do-it-ourselves floor refinishing I must admit we did a pretty awesome job. The floors are pretty trashed from the get go and for us to have gotten them to where they are now, totally floors me. <-- har, har "floors me".  

Eventually I'll have a before and after sort of post for you to see why we're so proud!

This is what we use for the polyurethane for the top coat after staining. We just used classic Minwax stain before hand. I think we're on bucket 5 of this stuff. It doesn't smell too horrible, unlike the stain, Whoa!  It's easy clean up and easy apply, I'd recommend this Rust-oleum to anyone doing their own floors! I prefer to roll it on, Rick prefers to break his back bending over painting it on with a fat brush.

We got this bad boy!
We bought this whole bedroom set when we first moved in and thought we wanted our master bedroom on the third floor. Well it didn't fit so we returned it. Six months later we're at Nebraska Furniture Mart again looking for rugs. We stop by the knicks, dents and scratched part of the store and found the bed we wanted! Now that we moved our bedroom to the second floor, the bed fits! Plus because it was once a floor model we scored this bad boy for a quarter of the original cost!

Now that we have this fancy bed, we realized it was time to work on our master bedroom.

Not a great picture, but this is the before. This is what it looked like when we first moved in. That big beige rectangle is actually three closets that jet out to the middle of the room! There's two sinks and mirrors to the left and a door going to the bathroom. Plus look at how scary those floors are! 
(Click on the picture to go see the interactive panorama picture of the room.)

This is the corner of the master bedroom without the huge closet and sinks and torn up tiled floor. 

Here it is as of right now! We continued on the over hang that "hides" the HVAC tubes patched the walls and have primed them up. We painted the other side of the room but aren't thrilled with it. We're trying to figure out if maybe we need to do some chair rail, crown moulding, wood paneling or some other kind of space breaking up kind of fun thing. 

In other non-house news!!!

Wedding time is rapidly approaching!
I found this beaut on my front porch a few days ago!!! It was a beautiful Fiestaware platter and bowls! Thanks Ann and Mary! 

This saturday is my bridal shower in Papillion! I'm so excited!!!

Also, this little love muffin, Rambo seems to have figured out a way to escape AGAIN.
He has Helga's collar on with my phone number so hopefully someone will call me if they find him hanging out around their house. This is ridiculous. He's gotten a taste of the wild since his last escape and made it his mission to sneak out again. :( It breaks my heart, I get so worried about what he will encounter!

Come home Rambo. 

 Off to my wedding shower! 

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