Friday, April 15, 2016

Day 5, 6, & 7

As predicted, by Rick,  day five was a totally wasted day. We traveled to and from Lincoln Nebraska to pick up my new to me mom-mobile! Life with a baby and two dogs who seem to go everywhere with us wasn't quiet fitting so well in a Mini Cooper or a pick up truck! A few years of pointing and saying, "there's my car," "man wouldn't I look good in that car" paid off. 

Day 6 & 7

I forgot to take pictures day 6 and fell asleep typing the blog for it and what little I did write disappeared. Picture wise not much changed. We scraped off the wretched popcorn ceiling in the master bedroom day 6. If we didn't have to we would have left it. The ceiling in that room is pretty trashed. The group home had built a wall of closets jetting out about half way across the middle of the room. We took them and the sinks they also added to the bedroom out three years ago. So that alone left some serious cosmetic damage to the ceiling. Plus there were a lot of mysterious water damage stains and cracks along the plaster. Note, we have orginal plaster and lath ceilings. 

Getting rid of popcorn ceiling texture is pretty easy. You spray/mist it down with water and scrap it off. It's messy as hell but easy to remove. Like everything in the house, we uncovered a lot more than the few orginal problem spots in the ceiling. Tons of cracks and falling down plaster. We debated back and forth about what to do, Tear out all the ceiling and replace it, cover it up with fresh new ceiling sheet rock or leave it and patch it. Currently, leaving and patching is in the lead. Rick and I only momentarily came close to ending our marriage over this and have made some decent progress on this god damn ceiling. 

Today I realized that plaster makes for one hell of a dry shampoo. I'm not sure when the last time I took a shower was. I seemed to magically missed that moment of "seriously, I need to shower, pinning back my bangs and my hair still looks super gross." While I took a delightfully long shower plucking out little lice like balls of popcorn ceiling from my mangy mang I couldn't help but come up with a list of things I rather do than work on this house. It's amazing how fast our passion for this house has changed knowing we're not doing any of it for ourselves now. Even a big equity check isn't making it any easier. 

Right now I rather be eight months pregnant with twin boys for the next four months than working on this house. 

On a brighter side, we have four people waiting for us to let them in the house from our "make me move" post on Zillow and while scraping the popcorn off the ceiling we found an electoral box for a light in the middle of the room! This discovery saves us some time having to put one in ourselves. 

Oh! One last side note. If you ever get the itch to remove your popcorn ceilings be advised that popcorn ceilings put on before the 80s contains asbestos and scraping them yourself could be a very serious health risk.  

Oh and darling Richard, I made sure to post pictures with you in them knowing you would get mad I did. That's what happens when you're a cranky crank to me. I love you. :) 

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