Saturday, April 16, 2016

Day 8

Day 8 feels like a totally wasted day. We're letting the curse of this house win. This house makes us feel so defeated so easily and today was one of those days where nothing seemed to go right.  

We mowed and weed whacked the yard. Got another layer of plaster on the master bedroom ceiling and then felt stuck. We can't do much in the master bedroom until the ceiling is done, that's the messy part.  Once the ceiling is done the rest of the room will move along quickly. The ceiling is a lot of waiting for things to dry. 

We went to Home Depot to check out some of the Ralph Lauren textured paint to see if it could be used for our ceiling, nope. But I did decide to accept a loss of money paid for fabric to wallpaper the panels in the dinning room and use the textured paint instead. Wayyyy faster. 

We need help. We are over whelmed. I think I finally convinced Rick to hire someone to do our dry wall.   The third person doing that will give the two of so much more time and energy to finish all the other things we need to work on. And by convinced I mean he probably won't divorce me when I call the people we have numbers that do dry wall to come give us quotes. 

I'm almost at a point of accepting we won't get what we want for this house and get it to a point where it's easy for the next owners to come in and finish it. Leaving the bathroom dry walled and backer boarded and ready for who ever to put whatever they want in it. 

In other off beat news about us. Henry our corgi is so stoked about our bedroom being in the sunroom. We didn't set up the bed frame and left the mattresses on the floor so the bed is at a height where he can jump up and snuggle with us. Henry heaven over here! Andddddd Peggy cut her first tooth today! Or atleast I discovered it today! 

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